Prepare For What You Can't See

May 14, 2014    Pastor Chris Phillips    Hebrews 11:7

God is looking for a people of faith.

One of the greatest challenges of life is to live faith. No matter the context, people have struggled to believe God.

Living by faith is an elementary principle or basic step of following God. Faith is the means by which we receive the grace of God.

Noah issued the divine warning at least 100 years before the Flood. No one saw what was coming nor understood the implications of the Flood.

God will prepare us individually and corporately so that we will be prepared for what is coming. Only God knows - the times and seasons are in His authority (Acts 1:7).

It is essential to remember that God is an awesome God. In our lives, who do we honor, revere and fear more than God? Whatever we fear more than Him becomes an idol and it will become our god. We have to honor and fear God above all these things. This means we will respond to His word above all else.

For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.Noah did not simply hear the divine warning; he heeded it.

How does God know that we heard Him? We move. He gives directions so that we take action.
Noah's obedience led to generational blessing.

God uses your obedience to condemn and pass judgment on the disobedience. Your life can bring conviction to those who are living in sin. Noah's life of faith was an affront to those who lived unrighteously.

There will come a time when those who are condemned by the obedience of the people of God will not be able to stand it and they will attack God's people to silence them. Despite this, God is looking for us to walk in faith and obedience to Him.