The Time Will Come

May 7, 2014    Pastor Chris Phillips    2 Timothy 4:1-5

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.

When you are young, you think that the time will never come for you to do something great.

It is not a matter of if the time or opportunity will come, but when it comes and if we will be ready.

Grace empowers us to prepare for what He has said will come and live in a way that pleases Him.

To fulfill our calling and prepare for our time we must pay attention to your habits and relationships. We can not be intoxicated by the world and the things of the world.

There is a work that God has called you to do and He wants to give you some fruit that will validate your calling.

We need to take heed to the ministry that God has given us.
When *the* time becomes *my* time, we must be ready and must embrace it. As we do, God will be with us and cause us to be fruitful and victorious.