You've started your Christian walk, so what's next? We want to help you grow in your faith and become the person God made you to be. If you want to know what your next steps are in that journey, here are some ways we can help.
These classes (formerly Purple Book) are designed to help believers build their lives upon the Word and develop spiritual maturity. We cover topics like prayer and worship, faith and hope, spiritual hunger and God's Word, and much more! This is a great foundation for anyone wanting to deepen their faith, and is required for membership at River of Life. However, you do not have to be seeking membership to attend. These classes are just a great way to grow in Christ!
Classes are held during our Grow Time mid-week format on Wednesdays at 7pm.
Perhaps you’ve been attending River of Life for a little while, and you’re ready to take the next step and find out what it means to be a member of the church! The purpose of membership classes is to help you know the history, values and vision of River of Life Church.
Our next Membership Classes are coming up during Grow Time at 7pm on March 12, 19, and 26—and we want YOU to be part of it! Before attending, make sure you've completed our Next Steps Classes—those classes are required before jumping into membership.
Baptism is an important step that shows others we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation. It symbolizes dying to the old and coming out a new creation. This is an outward symbol of our inward faith, and is crucial to the life of every believer. We have baptism every quarter of the year.
Children are truly a gift from the Lord. At River of Life, we love seeing parents take the next step of dedicating their child to the Lord and asking for His guidance as they raise their children. Baby Dedication services are for parents to bless their kids and their family.
We would love for you and your children to be a part of this next part in your Christian journey.
River of Life Church can do its best work when we come together and serve with our gifts and talents. The Church, at its best, is a place where we gather together in worship, word, and service to those in need. Whether you volunteer as an usher, greeter, or in the River Kids Zone or Cafe, you have a part to play!
River Groups are focused on growth for the entire family. We want everyone to come together in the name of Jesus. This inclusiveness is important - older people have something to offer younger people and vice-versa. Married couples can model godly relationships for those who are single. We believe there is a place for you!
River Groups take place in homes all across our area.