Preparing For What's To Come 3
Who is leading you? If it is the Holy Spirit, He is leading you to green pastures, abundant living and preparing you for victory over the enemy (Romans 8:14, Psalms 23:1-6).Anyone else will lead you astray and not into a place where we will be prepared for what is to come.
You don't get to be known in heaven by simply coming to church. We need to have a relationship with Jesus and a vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus made it clear that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was necessary for the disciples to accomplish their purpose (Acts 1:8).
You won't receive a harvest because you need one, but because you sow seed. You need to understand that your sowing seed now is pointing to your reaping a harvest in the future.
If we don't begin to change the way we think we will not be prepared for what is to come. This is why our minds must be renewed by the Word of God. If it is not, we won't be prepared for the challenges and the doctrines of demons that are to come. The word of God washes us and brings transformation within our mind. If our minds are distracted and not settled on God we will be easily moved.
The enemy is doing a good job of erasing the concept of good and evil in the world and we know that the world system is not under the influence of the Holy Spirit. There is an all out attack on the concept of sin but we are to know the word of God and stand for truth.
The wise virgins went out and paid the price to get the extra oil. Like them, we must not wait until it is too late to be prepared for the days ahead.