Under The Influence Part 2
The story of the Fall provides us a glimpse of the subtle ways the devil attempts to cause us to partner with him and do his will.
In the Garden, the serpent approached Eve and through relationship attempted to influence her. He wasn't there to help her but to harm her. Yet Eve did not recognize who she was dealing with and that led to her downfall. Apparently she was familiar with the snake, but was not aware who she was really dealing with. This is because the devil does not come with a pitchfork and horns and a big parade. She did not realize that she was having fellowship with the devil.
Like Eve, Peter was influenced by the devil. Jesus recognized who He was dealing with and called the devil out. Through Christ, we can have spiritual discernment to recognize who is influencing our relationships.
Eve also did not realize how powerful and seductive words can be. There are some words that we should not listen to. The moment Eve began to meditate and consider the words of the serpent, she was enticed to do evil and able to be manipulated by him.
Finally, Eve did not know that one relationship with the wrong person would affect all of her other relationships. This is because, "a little leaven leavens the whole lump". Little things have the power to have great impact in our lives.
The Bible gives us two categories of people to have no fellowship with: sinning believers and unbelievers. Like a natural quarantine when a person with a deadly contagious disease is separated from the population, there is a "Kingdom quarantine" in effect from these types of people. Until the disease is dealt with, there must be separation. Once that person is healed, then they are no longer kept in quarantine. In the same way, sin is a deadly disease and evil behaviors and attitudes are contagious. This is why God commands us to be separate.
In light of the wisdom of God's word, we need to be wise and have spiritual discernment in our relationships.