Sacrifice part 2

Jun 5, 2016    Pastor Chris Phillips    Romans 12:1-2 NKJV

Knowing God's will and being transformed by it follows our presenting ourselves to God. Presenting ourselves to God is about consecration to Him. Consecration is an once for all decisive commitment to the Lord; a complete surrender; a crisis of surrender.

God doesn't simply accept your surrender and then leave you to yourself. Surrender to God leads to an awareness of His will. He will give us understanding after we become aware and begin to seek Him.

There will be a a day of judgment where we will give an account of our lives and if you accomplish everything but His will, nothing you did will matter. God will not be happy with substitutes for obedience. Doing the will of God has eternal consequences for yourself and the people God wants to bless through you.

Consecrate yourself to God and surrender to Him and you will both be aware of and accomplish God's will for your life.