Promises Part 2

Jun 29, 2014    Pastor Chris Phillips    2 Peter 1:3-4 NLT

By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life

The promises of God are congruent with who He is: they are great and precious and consistent with His character.

The fulfillment of God's promises are connected to His people's obedience to His word.

The things you do that are in line with the word of God will produce blessing in your life.

We should not be able to be disobedient to God and feel good about it. God wants us to know the conditions so that we can meet them. He wants you to believe His promises because attached to them are mega-blessings.

The blessing causes people to come to you and ask questions which in turn allows you to introduce them to God.
God is good, and He wants you to be blessed.