Services @ 9am + 11:15am

In-Person & Streamed Live

What to Expect

Here's what you can expect on our special Easter Weekend.

Dynamic Worship

Our powerful and contemporary worship is designed to lead you into the presence of God. 

Welcoming Environment

When we say we're family, we mean it!  Both in-person and online, it's going to be  awesome!

Biblical Teaching

Our Senior Pastors, Pastors Chris & Miriam Phillips, will be giving a dynamic word - sure to be life-changing.

Something for Everyone

From kids to adults, we have something for you this Easter weekend.

Easter Weekend Schedule

Good Friday

Jesus’ death destroyed the power of sin and death forever!

Join us as we gather for worship, communion, and a message to remember His sacrifice at 7pm on Friday, April 18, both in-person and online

Easter Fun Day

On Saturday, April 19 at 10am, we'll be hosting an Easter Fun Day at the church! These hunts are free and open to the entire community, but please bring an Easter basket to participate.

There will be food trucks, face painting, balloon art, bouncy houses, sidewalk chalk fun, and of course, an Easter Egg hunt!

Easter Sunday

The most significant day that ever was is still relevant today! On Sunday, April 20 at 9am + 11:15am, both in person and online, we’ll be remembering and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ with our church family and community. Invite someone who needs Jesus!

Invite Someone 

Help us get the word out about our Easter Weekend. Click the link on below  for some social images that you can use to invite your friends & family to hear about the life-changing power of Jesus on this special day.


We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.